Media Streaming Server Hosting
Media Streaming Server Hosting

 Media Streaming Server Hosting

Media Streaming Server Hosting

Media Streaming Server Hosting or Live Web Casting – Audio / Video Media Streaming is delivering audio / video content continuously over the web. With broadband spreading in every corner of the world and latest compression / delivery techniques, Media Streaming is becoming more popular. Dedicated High End / High Bandwidth servers that enable constant delivery of such content are called as Media Streaming Servers.

Media Streaming Servers are used in the following ways
1. On demand audio / video streaming
2. Live Streaming or Web Casting

Operating System
Media Streaming Server Hosting comes with CentOS 6.x. Ubuntu is also available as custom OS option.

Streaming Server Server
 Silicon House uses Arrow Streaming Server environment which is built on a high end, high bandwidth platform. Arrow Streaming Servers allow streaming in multiple mounts simultaneously without any data congestion.

Media Streaming Technology
 Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a protocol used for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet, between a player and a server.
The raw TCP-based RTMP protocol maintains a single persistent connection and allows real-time communication. To guarantee smooth delivery, the protocol splits video and data into 128-byte fragments (except for audio ). Fragments are then interleaved and multiplexed over a single connection. With longer data chunks, the protocol only carries a one-byte header per fragment, thus incurring very little overhead.

 Live Streaming Event: Broadcasting live events over the web such as Marriages, Sales Launches, Training Sessions, CEO meets, Sales Reviews, Tele Medicine, Surveillance etc.
Training: Live training sessions and pre-recorded training sessions can be streamed using live and on demand streaming. This will enable a tutor to reach pupils across continents.

Record Live Events: Live Streamed content can now be recorded in the streaming server which can later be archived for Video On Demand viewing.

On Demand Streaming Entertainment: Media streaming is predominantly used in entertainment industry to stream audio/video contents. Movies, Songs Play lists, Streaming TV events are to name a few.
Corporate: Pre-placement talks for fresh candidates, infrastructure and facilities streaming to acquire bigger projects, On demand streaming of apartments or construction projects, live sales reviews, dealers meet, investor meet etc.
Matrimonial: On demand streaming video of brides and grooms.
Run Recorded Video as Live Streaming: Recorded Videos can now be streamed live. This enables running Live TV, FM channels over the web with pre-recorded videos.


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