SMS Marketing
SMS Marketing in Promotional SMS, Transactional SMS, DND Numbers, Non DND Numbers, With sender Id and Without Sender Id

 SMS Marketing

Popularity of mobiles

It is impossible to imagine our life without mobile. Nearly everyone we know today has a mobile. Even if it is a Smartphone or a regular phone, people have at least one mobile with them if not more. Even a poor sweeper or a vegetable vendor has a simple mobile phone. A mobile is a highly personal device unlike a TV or radio which is generally shared by family members.

Truly personal device

Most people keep a mobile with them wherever they go. Even in places like the bathroom they keep their mobile with them. If Clients want their brand to reach the customer and he or she becomes aware of the value of the brand then clients must go for SMS marketing.

What is SMS Marketing? Why to go for it?

SMS marketing is simply marketing on SMS. Almost everyone has a mobile phone and no ignores reading SMS because it may involve message from one of their contacts. SMS marketing is extremely cost effective and the targeting cost per person works out to be very low indeed. SMS messages can be personalized and customized as per the requirement of the client. Clients can select the language of their choice. They can also select prospective customers based on region due to different mobile circles in the country. India is the second-largest mobile phone user with over 900 million users in the world. No client can afford to ignore SMS marketing as part of their brand promotion and communication strategy.

Brand Management

It is all about brand management and promotions and reaching out to the consumer in the most productive, efficient and cost effective way. Brands communicate through various platforms such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, social media, email marketing etc. A consumer can ignore ads and sponsorship of various programs by brands and companies on TV. They can ignore advertisements on radio as well as not give a second glance to ads in newspapers, magazines and social media but they will definitely read all SMS received on their mobile phone. Brands should engage the customer through all the platforms available. Currently there is bombarding of advertisements from various companies to get customers. All customers are getting so many advertisements targeted at them that it is difficult to break through the clutter. This is the information age and there is overdose of information on various companies and brands that people are fed up of seeing advertisements on traditional media platforms.

Use of SMS Marketing

A SMS can be created in such a way so as to attract and entice the reader in to buying the brand. The value proposition should be such that it should be compelling for the customer to buy the brand. Through the use of SMS marketing one message of promotion can reach millions of customers in one go. 
We are digital marketing experts who will help you with SMS marketing and getting more customers. We will ensure that you get more bang for every buck spent.

SMS Marketing Payment Proposals

Buy Now
SEO Packages Basic Plan Economy Plan Advance Plan Business Plan Popular Plan
Cost Per Month $150 / INR 9000 $250 / INR 15000 $400 / INR 25000 $600 / INR 38000 $800 / INR 50000
No. of Keywords 10 15 25 40 50
Minimum Contract Duration 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months
HTML Analysis tick tick tick tick tick
Site Structure Analysis tick tick tick tick tick
Competitors Analysis tick tick tick tick tick
Pre SEO Analysis close close tick tick tick
SWOT Analysis close close close close tick
On Page Optimization
No. of Pages for Optimize 5 10 15 20 50+
Title, Meta Creation & Updation tick tick tick tick tick
Web site content Optimization for Target Keywords Pages tick tick tick tick tick
Source Code Optimization for Target Keywords Pages tick tick tick tick tick
Home Page Validation tick tick tick tick tick
Xml and Html Sitemap Creation tick tick tick tick tick
Robots.txt file creation validation tick tick tick tick tick
Canonicalization Issue Solution close tick tick tick tick
Custom Error Page Creation close tick tick tick tick
Broken Link Fixing close tick tick tick tick
Image Optimization, Image ALT Text tick tick tick tick tick
Internal Navigation Check tick tick tick tick tick
URL Rewriting & Content tick tick tick tick tick
Negotiation close tick tick tick tick
Breadcrumb Optimization close tick tick tick tick
Content Optimization as per Keyword tick tick tick tick tick
RSS Feed Creation close tick tick tick tick
Off Page Optimization
Global and Local Search Engine Submission (Manually) tick tick tick tick tick
DMOZ Submission close tick tick tick tick
Monthly Manual Directory Submission 150 300 450 600 800
Monthly Articles Creation 1 2 4 6 8
No. of Article Direcories Submission 10 15 35 50 100
Monthly Press Release Creation 1 2 4 6 8
No. of Press Release Direcory Submission 10 15 30 50 80
Monthly Social Bookmarking 10 20 30 40 50
Blog Creation close 1 (BlogSpot) 1 (BlogSpot) 2 (BlogSpot & Word Press) 2 (BlogSpot & Word Press)
No. of Posts (Monthly) close 5(for each blog) 10(for each blog) 20(for each blog) 30 (for each blog)
Google Map Creation close close close tick tick
Bing Map Creation close close close tick tick
Yahoo Map Creation close close close tick tick
Classfied close close tick tick tick
Link Building
One-Way Linking 15 20 25 30 40
Link Exchange close close close tick tick
Analytics and Web Master Tool
Google Analytics Set up tick tick tick tick tick
Web Master Tool Set Up tick for Google for Google and Bing for Google and Bing for Google, Bing Yahoo
Monthly Reporting:
SEO Activity Report (Monthly Work Report) tick tick tick tick tick
Search Engine Ranking Reports(KeywordRanking Report), Weekly Basis also tick tick tick tick tick
Work Progress Report tick tick tick tick tick
Monthly Traffic Report tick tick tick tick tick
Payment Methods

1. Credit Card Payments - 24 hrs
2. Cash - 24 hrs
3. NEFT / Netbanking - 24 - 48 hrs
4. Check / DD - 48 - 72 hrs
5. Paypal - 48 - 72 hrs

Account Name/ Pay to: Owesome Solutions
Bank Name: Jamia Co-Operative Bank
Account No: 000911001000716
UPI ID: owesomesoft@ybl

Amount in USD$

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